In November 2021, we will celebrate 100 years since the founding of the International Council of Missions (IMC). This initiative is linked to the World Committee for Mission and Evangelism (CWME) of the World Council of Churches (WCC) and has been committed to promoting research in missiology and ecumenical theology since its inception. The Babeș-Bolyai University, the Faculty of Orthodox Theology in Cluj-Napoca (, together with the Association of Central and Eastern Europe for Mission Studies (CEEAMS), considers that it is its task to support the activity of BMI by: monitoring and the development of scientific discourses in Central and Eastern Europe (EEC), taking into account the specifics of this region. On 27-29. September, on the occasion of the centenary, an international workshop of the Faculty of Orthodox Theology took place in Cluj-Napoca. The 20 participants came from about 10 countries. During the workshop, they first examined the history of the concept of mission in the theological approaches of different denominations, then addressed the issue of future planning and mission visions from the perspectives of pastoral theology, public theology, ecumenism and pedagogy. Our doctoral school was represented at the conference by Klára Csiszár, who spoke about the mission as a generative modeling of the church. The language of the international workshop was English. The lectures will be published soon in the conference volume.