The Romanian Association of Hungarian Doctoral Students and Young Researchers (RODOSZ) organised an international conference for doctoral students in Cluj-Napoca on 10-11 November. The RODOSZ conference, called Conecting the Dots, was inspired by a similar idea as the Spring Wind Conference organised every year by the National Association of Doctoral Students (DOSZ) in Hungary: to provide a professional forum for doctoral students and young researchers to share knowledge in an interdisciplinary and international conference.
We are pleased to report that the conference was very well attended in the field of theology. So much so that two whole sessions were devoted to presentations on theology, in which doctoral theologians from different denominations were able to share their research findings. Both the section on Church History and Theoretical Papers and the Empirical Research section featured speakers from the Doctoral School of Religion, Culture and Society (László Ambrus, Tóth Krisztián, Bertalan Tímea, Dicu Ramóna, Urbán János Erik OFM, Pál-Jakab Orsolya), as well as from the Ecumenical Doctoral School (Székely Beáta, Szép Carla Monica, Trombitás Márta, Ambrus-Pál Arnold).
The topics of the lectures came from different theological fields and frontiers, some of them with social relevance, others with pedagogical, psychological or historical focus. The audience was informed about a broad spectrum of what Transylvanian theological doctoral researchers consider to be the most pressing and relevant issues to be addressed in the academic context.
The presentations were judged by a jury of a few members, and several doctoral students who also teach at the Faculty of Roman Catholic Theology were awarded prizes. For example, Márta Trombitás from the theoretical section was awarded the first prize for her lecture on the different meanings of the term “heḇel” and their effects. Carla Szép Monica Szép presented her archival research on the life and work of Alfred Erőss, which won her second prize. Tímea Bertalan’s presentation on the problem of Christian anthropocentrism won third prize. Orsolya Pál-Jakab Orsolya Pál-Jakab also won the second prize in the empirical research section with her presentation on the results of her research on pastoral care in hospitals.
Congratulations to the participating and award-winning doctoral students, and we hope to see the progress and results of their research in this form again.
(Bertalan Tímea, Pál-Jakab Orsolya)
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