Diverse open spaces of community life – a visit to two Catholic universities in Latin America

In the framework of a development project, a delegation from our Doctoral School visited the Catholic University of East Africa and Tangaza College in Nairobi, the capital of Kenya, in January 2023, and four Catholic higher education institutions in Manila and Tagaytay in the Philippines in South East Asia in the spring of 2023. In the spring of this year, networking in Latin America continued with visits to the Pontifical Catholic University of Argentina in Buenos Aires and the Silva Henríquez Catholic University in Santiago de Chile.

Two new habilitations in our doctoral school

Two professors of the Faculty of Greek-Catholic Theology of the Babeș-Bolyai University defended their habilitation theses in the framework of our Doctoral School of Religion, Culture and Society. Dr. Cristian Barta, professor, successfully habilitated on 19 January 2024 on the topic “Fundamental theology and dogmatics in the Romanian Greek Catholic Church united with Rome: tradition, continuity, renewal”, and Dr. Anton Rus, associate professor, on 9 February 2024 on the topic “The history of spiritual life in the Romanian Greek Catholic Church”.

Report on Elisabeth Lukas’ lecture at the Catholic University of Linz

As a doctoral student at the School of Religion, Culture and Society, I have the opportunity to get involved in student life at the Catholic University of Linz through Erasmus+ study mobility. In this context, I had the honour of attending the lecture “Vergänglichkeitsbewältigung” by Dr. Elisabeth Lukas on 18 January 2024, which was given as a guest lecturer at the University of Linz by Dr. Klára Csiszár, University Professor and Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences.

Our PhD students at the international conference organised by RODOSZ

The Romanian Association of Hungarian Doctoral Students and Young Researchers (RODOSZ) organised an interdisciplinary international conference in Cluj-Napoca on 10-11 November. Two sessions were devoted to the field of theology. Both the Doctoral School of Religion, Culture and Society and the Ecumenical Doctoral School were represented by speakers in the sections on Church History and Theory and Empirical Research. Several of them were among the prize winners.

Congratulations to our colleague Klára Csiszár on her appointment as Dean and Vice Rector

As we have been informed by the current news of the Catholic University of Linz, the head of the doctoral program of our Doctoral School, Dr. Klára Csiszár, professor at the Catholic University of Linz, after being elected Dean of the Faculty of Theology on 26 January 2023, has received the “Nihil obstat” of the Holy See.
At the same time, the Senate of the University elected him Vice-Rector for Education and Research, an election confirmed by the Bishop Manfred Scheuer as Magnus Cancellarius on 7 November 2023.
Congratulations to both of you for your responsible mandate! We wish God bless you and help you to fulfil your duties.

Our colleague, Klára Csiszár, as the first Hungarian woman, was appointed as an expert at the XVI Ordinary General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops

The XVI Ordinary General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops will be attended by Archbishop Dr. Gergely Kovács, Archbishop of Gulaforevo, representing the Romanian Bishops’ Conference, by Bishop Cristian Crișan, Greek Catholic Auxiliary Bishop of Gulaforevo-Fogaras, representing the Eastern Rite, and by Bishop József-Csaba Paul, Bishop of Timisoara, as a Papal Appointed Member. Klára Csiszár, our colleague, head of the doctoral programme of our doctoral school and head professor at the Institute of Pastoral Theology of the Catholic University of Linz, is the first Hungarian woman to be appointed as an expert.