IX International Scientific Theological Conference -2024 (NTTK)

“Serenity fuelled by doubts … [Ecclesia] in eksön” (Péter Esterházy). The search for the way of our Church in the challenges of our times
IX International Scientific Theological Conference (NTTK). 23-25 September 2024, Jakab Antal Study House, Csíksomlyó
Address: Szék út 147, RO-535203 Csíkszereda


Book launch: Global ecology. Dialogue between faith and science in the spirit of the encyclical Laudato si'

The book with the above title is an edited version of the lectures of the eight-part forum series organized by the Faludi Ferenc Jesuit Academy of the Society of Jesus of Hungary between December 2021 and December 2022, published by the Faludi Ferenc Jesuit Academy – Jesuit Publishing House.
The volume will be presented by Professor Dr. József Benedek, co-editor, on Wednesday, 28 June 2023, at 19:00 in the Márton Áron Hall of the Faculty of Roman Catholic Theology.

“We need an ecological conversion, part of which is to get to know and discover again nature and the values of the created world. We need to develop a renewed, harmonious relationship with our environment, becoming aware of the complex interconnection between God and human nature. Ecological conversion strengthens sustainability; and vice versa, integrating sustainability into the functioning of our ecclesial and secular institutions fosters ecological conversion.” (József Benedek, Introduction).


Presentation: World Synod: Insights; Tensions; Conclusions

The Faculty of Roman Catholic Theology of the Babeș-Bolyai University and the Doctoral School of Religion, Culture, Society, organized by Dr. Klára Csiszár, professor of the Katholische Privatuniversität Linz, PhD supervisor of our doctoral school, will give a lecture entitled World Synod: Insights, Tensions, Conclusions on 6 June 2023 at 19.00 in the Márton Áron Hall of the Faculty of Roman Catholic Theology.

The speaker, Dr. Klára Csiszár, is a member of the international team writing the final document of the Prague Continental Synod.


Presentation: Spade, hoe, morality. Bad morals, invalid marriage

Organized by the Faculty of Roman Catholic Theology of the Babeș-Bolyai University and the Doctoral School of Religion, Culture, Society, Dr. Zoltán Bodnár is a lawyer at the Archbishop’s Court of Eger, a candidate for a lawyer at the Rota Romana Apostolic Court Ásó, kapa, márál. He will give a lecture entitled Bad morals, invalid marriage in the Márton Áron hall of the Roman Catholic Faculty of Theology on May 11, 2023 from 7:00 p.m.

The basic questions of the presentation:

What does the ecclesiastical court have to do with marriage?

Is there a fresh start after a failed marriage?

A glimpse behind the scenes of the church courts


Invitation to (mourning) work

As part of the Clergy Training Programme of the Archdiocese of Alba Iulia, the training on mourning took place in the Antal Jakab House in Csíksomlyó between 11-13 October, with the support of the Harghita Regional Council. The eighth event of this year’s training was dedicated to the pastoral care of the bereaved.

The professional coordinator of the training, Dr. Dávid Diósi, professor (UBB), vice rector of the Seminary in Alba Iulia, gathered together a team of experts in the different aspects of death and mourning, as well as in the different areas of bereavement support: Éva Varró psychotherapist, psychotherapist trainer, supervisor, university lecturer (Sapientia EMTE), Dr. Blanka Bálint mental health specialist, grief group leader, university lecturer (Sapientia EMTE), Ildikó Szekeres medical assistant, nursing director (County Emergency Hospital of Miskolc), Dr.. Dr. Piroska Darvas, nurse’s aide, spiritual companion, grief counsellor, László Czikó, parish priest of Búzásásbesenyő, mental health support specialist.