We all sense that the world has changed in recent decades. An incomprehensible, elusive “storm” is blowing through our society and our Church alike. Nothing is in its familiar, familiar place any more. Everything has moved, has taken a new direction. In our ‘provincialised’ globalised society, the anchors that had hitherto provided security and a sense of home have disappeared. Is the postmodern society of our time a threat or an opportunity for our Church? Or is it both? Or neither?
Our IXth International Conference on Theology of Science and Humanities (NTTK), planned for this year, is entitled “Serenity with Doubts … [Ecclesia] in eksön” (Peter Esterházy). The Way of our Church in the midst of the challenges of our times, and aims to address in depth current and sensitive questions concerning the present situation of our Church, which are of importance, and perhaps even crucial, for all of us. Honestly, without bias! We have asked our invited speakers, in accordance with their areas of expertise and research focus, to dare to name all the problems and difficulties they see as obstacles to understanding and spreading the gospel of Christ, while at the same time outlining ways out, solutions and opportunities for participants. The presentations will be followed by a series of debates and forums to stimulate reflection and intellectual debate.
Our conference also has a PhD section. This will provide an opportunity for young researchers to meet and exchange experiences. It is also a good opportunity for doctoral students from different doctoral schools to give each other a taste of their research and to present their current research.
We wish you all a blessed, successful, fruitful and spiritually rich conference!