PhD student from our doctoral school, Ervin Obermájer, was asked about his vocation

In my everyday life I find that the rather long title that appears after my name in official sources is in some ways unknown to ordinary people. The great majority of people know that I am a Roman Catholic priest and that I am engaged in pastoral work, as the classical pastoral way of life would say. This is certainly true, since I also work as an an auxiliary pastor in the parish of St. Augustine in Csíkszereda, but people who do not know me know very less about the other part of my activities.

Catholic Days in Stuttgart: “The sharing of life”

From 25-29 May 2022, Stuttgart hosted the 102nd edition of Catholic Days, a series of events that since 1848 has invited German-speaking believers (but not only) to give thanks, reflect together and witness to the joy of the Gospel. The event was first organised in the 19th century in connection with the lay movement and is still mainly organised today by lay Christian believers (the event is organised by the Zentralkomitee der deutschen Katholiken – ZdK).

Csiszár: Liturgical space has a pastoral-theological significance in the productive interaction of space and time for the service of life – International conference on the future of the ruined churches

“From a pastoral-theological point of view, liturgical space is significant in the productive, life-serving interaction of space and time”, said Klára Csiszár, and then added: “I wish that we could find the possibility in the use of our spaces, our churches, under all circumstances, where our souls can enjoy and which, by worshipping God in the soul, liberates us from the ruined, empty lethargy. ” – the director of our doctoral school, speaking at an international conference on the future of ruined churches, organised by the International Bishops’ Conference of St Cyril and Methodius. Along with nearly 100 participants, the conference was attended by members of the organising bishops’ conference, a representative of the Holy See and the director of Renovabis, representative of te CEI, and of the Aid for the Church.

Diákképviselő választás – eredmények

A 2022.05.12-én lezárult második fordulós szavazás eredményeként a VKT Doktori Iskola Diáktanácsának diákképviselőjeként Tóth Krisztián lett megválasztva. Az esetleges fellebbezéseket 2022.05.13-án, reggel 8-tól déli 12 óráig lehet benyújtani elektronikus formában (  FRISSÍTÉS: Rezultate_alegere_student doctorand membru in Consiliul Scolii Doctorale RCS (2)

Constantin Necula on hatred and the turn to hate

The harsh realities of wars throughout history and beyond bring out different traits in people. While some are passive, insensitive to suffering, others feel the urge to help and take action. The suffering of those directly involved is indescribable in words, and the help received is like a godsend. Often, their only comfort remains faith in God and hope in the humanity of their fellow human beings.

„A háború egy őrület! Fejezzétek be!” – Ferenc pápa és az egész keresztény nép kiáltása

Az Úrangyala elimádkozása után Ferenc pápa erőteljes szavakkal kérte az Ukrajnában folyó háború azonnali befejezését. A Szent Péter téren összegyűlt hívekkel imádkozott Máriához, Ukrajna Királynőjének közbenjárásáért. A pápa köszönetét fejezte ki azoknak, akik befogadják a menekülteket, a helyszínről tudósító újságíróknak, akik életüket kockáztatják, valamint sürgette a harcok beszüntetését, a tárgyalások mielőbbi megkezdését, a józan ész győzelmét.