Doktoranduszok Kollokviuma

Csiszár Klára doktorátusvezetővel a téli szemeszterben Október 26, referátumok: – Guia Laurean, Hugó testvár OFM (3. év)  – Botár István (3. év) November 14: Doktoranduszok Nemzetközi Konferenciája December 14, referátumok:  – Czumbil Zsuzsa (3. év)  – Kántor Viola (4. év) Január 11, referátumok:  – Giurgiu Daniel (2. év)  – Geng Noémi (3. év)

Invitation to (mourning) work

As part of the Clergy Training Programme of the Archdiocese of Alba Iulia, the training on mourning took place in the Antal Jakab House in Csíksomlyó between 11-13 October, with the support of the Harghita Regional Council. The eighth event of this year’s training was dedicated to the pastoral care of the bereaved.

Inspiring Europe – The new Vice-President of CCEE reflects on religion, society and culture in Europe

The new presidency of the Council of European Bishops’ Conferences (CCEE) was elected at its jubilee meeting in Rome on 23-26 September. Archbishop Gintaras Linas Grušas of Vilnius, President of the Lithuanian Bishops’ Conference, became CCEE President and László Német SVD, Bishop of the Diocese of Zrenjanin (Serbia), was elected as First Vice-President.